Year 13 Futures Programme 2025
Dear Parent/Carer
Year 13 Futures Programme 2025
I am writing to inform you of the plan for students this term as part of our Year 13 Futures programme. As well as supporting students with exam preparation and coursework completion, we also deliver a substantial programme to support their transition to ‘Post 18’ options, whatever choice this may be individually.
This takes place on a Wednesday afternoon each week from 2.20pm-4pm. With students having now submitted their UCAS forms, our focus switches to Degree Apprenticeships; Apprenticeships; and Employment. We will also be delivering specific sessions for those who have applied to University, so they know what happens next?!
The plan for these sessions is outlined below and we recommend attendance as follows:
- Those who have applied to University must attend the University support sessions
- Those who have not applied to University should attend the apprenticeship sessions which will focus on application support, as well as opportunities to meet with companies who are looking for new apprentices.
- Anyone who has applied to university is also welcome to attend the careers sessions being delivered by companies over the next 8 weeks.
We hope by providing you with this information that it will help you to support your child in making the best choice for their future. If you have any questions or would like more information please email me on the address here –
Yours sincerely