
Year 12 Enrolment

Our final enrolment process for our Year 12 of September 2024 will take place on Thursday 22nd August, GCSE results day. We encourage students to make their way to Logic as soon as possible on this day and will be open from 9:30am. Staff will be on hand until 1pm on this day.

For those unable to make it on the Thursday, we will be supporting enrolment between 10am and 1pm on Friday 23rd August. Please note that courses will fill quickly and we cannot guarantee availability. We strongly urge all students to attend on Thursday where possible.

What to expect on the day

  • Collect your results from your current school
  • Celebrate with your family friends
  • Head to Logic with your results certificate
  • Meet with one of our team to confirm your results and course choices

Getting in touch

Whether you know exactly what you are looking to study, or just need some additional guidance and support please don’t hesitate speak to us.

Find out more about us

If you can’t find the answer you are looking for please get in touch!

Frequently asked questions

What if I don't get the results I was expecting?

We are here to help. We know that results day can sometimes be challenging if the results you get don’t match your expectations. We will support you towards the right option of courses for you.

I haven't applied to Logic, am I too late?

Though we have had a lot of applications this year we are always look to support everyone that has contacted us. If you are interested in a place and have not sign up yet please complete our pre-admissions form here.

What courses are on offer at Logic?

Please check the full details of our offer here.

I am away on holiday and cannot make results day. What do I do?

Firstly, enjoy your holiday!

If you know this is going to be the case please contact us by email in advance on Typically we would look to hold a phone appointment in place of a face to face meeting.

Do my parents need to attend?

We need to have contact details for your legal guardian, but understand they may not always be on available on results day. You will still be able to enroll without a parent present.

I have decided to resit Year 12, can you help me?

We want to do right by all of our students, but our priority has to be those that are moving into Year 12 for the first time. Once we have dealt with these admissions we will begin looking at those wanting to resit on a case by case basis. We would encourage you to come down, but cannot guarantee an immediate offer.