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Year 10 Work Experience for Logic Students


Dear Parent / Carer 

Year 10 Work Experience for Logic Students


I wanted to take this opportunity to remind parents that all Year 10 students will be undertaking a week’s Work Experience Placement from Monday 30th June to Friday 4th July 2025. This is something we have run very successfully since we opened and believe it is a vital part of our student’s development for their future career. 

We have and will continue to work with students as part of our Personal Development Weeks since September and have provided them with information and support about what will be needed. I just wanted to ensure parents are aware of this and I have enclosed the necessary information and forms with this letter. 


As parents / carers of Year 10, if you have access to a suitable work placement for your child either through friends or family, please complete the provided ‘Own Placement Form’ and ask your child to return it ASAP to me at Logic. These should be returned by Friday March 14th 2025 at the latest.  


Once returned, Spark will undertake a Risk assessment and Health and safety check on the business to ensure that it is a suitable work environment. Unfortunately, self employed businesses are not suitable due to issues around safeguarding and employee insurance. 


For those who are unable to arrange a placement, we will work with Spark, our Careers partner to try and arrange suitable placements for students. These  will be allocated in conjunction with us at Logic and with the support of parents. However, these are somewhat limited and are not available to all students. 


In the Summer term, we will be supporting students with contacting employers, mock interviews and calls, target setting, travel planning and anything that else they need support with prior to their placement. 


So you are aware, each placement costs the school a minimum of £50 per student; this rises depending on the nature of the placement. As a result, we are looking at a significant investment of approximately £5000  to ensure students have this opportunity. As such, it is vital that students and parents are fully aware of the importance of engaging with the school and the employer, as well the need for exemplary behaviour. 


Please feel free to contact myself or Sue Comfort with any questions you may have on / 02088313001


Yours faithfully,


John Cadogan

Vice Principal  


Logic School Year 10 Work Placement Overview 2024-25

October Personal Development Week 

  • Work Placement Launch with all students. 
  • This will focus on their potential choices and look at what careers they might wish to look into. 


December Personal Development Week

  • CV and Letter writing to ask companies for a role and to support your job search

January – February

  • Personal Coaching Focus for all Y10 students regarding their own placements and progress.


March / April

    • Bio’s and JD’s from Spark for students to view. This will include company names and locations, websites, etc. 
    • Session on ‘What is Work Experience’? 
  • Own Placement forms to be returned MARCH 14th 2024. 

April / May

  • Personal Coaching Focus for all Y10 students regarding their own placements and progress.
  • Students can sign up for Top 3 companies in order of preference from a list provided by Spark. 
  • Students and parents sign this form, ensuring parents are aware of locations, travel, etc before allocation. 
  • Mr Cadogan to work with Spark to allocate students effectively for those without Own Find Placements. 

Personal Development Week – May

  • Work Experience Mock Phone Calls session


  • Spark complete H&S checks on Own Find Placements. 
  • Student placements confirmed and paperwork allocated by Spark to students via Logic school. 
  • Students to make contact with employers with the Logic Coaching team supporting. 
  • Target Setting for Work Experience


WB 30th June


  • Placements start for one week until Friday 4th July. 

WB 7th July

  • Work Placement review morning
  • Work Placement Presentation (S&L exams)