

Year 10 End of Year Review Meeting

Dear Parent / Carer of 


Year 10 End of Year Review Meeting 


This year our Year 10 End of Year Review Day will take place on Friday July 12th 2024 from 10am – 1.30pm at Logic. 


This is a chance to discuss your child’s report, progress and work completion over the course of Year 10, particularly after the recent completion of our mock examinations. We will also look forward to Year 11, focussing on GCSEs exams and coursework and what you can do to support your child next year. 


  • Please attend school at the agreed time with your child to meet with a member of the Key Stage 4 team. 
  • If you are unable to make the meeting, please contact Mrs Llewellyn-Omirin on 


Appointments will be approximately 10 minutes in length. Please ask your child to make this appointment with their Form tutor ASAP. 


We will also be discussing some of the new policies and procedures which will be coming into force in September, ensuring you and your child are fully prepared and informed of these changes. These are summarised overleaf for you to read and will also be in the parent bulletin we send via email on Friday 21st June. Further information on all of these procedures will follow in more detail and be discussed at the review day. 


Thank you for your support. We really value these opportunities to talk with you as we know that working together makes a huge difference in supporting student progress. 


If for any reason you are unable to attend, your child is still expected to attend to review their progress. 


Yours faithfully


Alex Pett
