
New beginnings

It is a time of national mourning as we come together to pay our thanks to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. We will be closed on Monday 19th September in line with the national bank holiday.

We have seen an energetic start to term from our students. It is always an exciting time of year for us as we welcome in new students at both Year 10 and Year 12. I have enjoyed visiting lessons across the building this week, seeing relationships form, learning taking place and challenges being set.

Year 11 and Year 13 have returned with a real sense of certainty about the year they have ahead of them. This has been reflected in the incredible attitude they have shown in getting back to it in the classroom.

Wednesday of this week saw us host our first ‘Speed Networking’ event of the year in which our alumni and local business partners meet with our Year 12 students in small groups to share experiences and answer questions. These are valuable opportunities for our students to develop their communication skills as well as expand their horizons. In addition to this, Year 13 students, with their parents, attended in good numbers to be a part of our transition evening. This gave us an chance to share what we will be doing this year to support Year 13 in securing strong, aspirant destinations.

I am please to inform you that our new canteen partner, Relish, are starting to make a big difference in the canteen. The quality and variety of food has increase significantly with many dishes cooked fresh from our site. The smell of this drifting around the building is quite something.

Finally from my, a huge thank you to you all for your support in this successful start to our year. We know that you play a huge part in ensuring your child is here, on time and ready to learn. Both attendance and punctuality over the past week have been excellent.