PBL Week Year 10 Christmas Carol Staging and Set Design Day
As part of the study of A Christmas Carol in English Literature, Year 10 were able to get creative in a staging and set design day! They were given the brief that they were a production team, adapting the novella and creating a play. The day kicked off with some research into previous productions and the way in which a theatre runs. From there, the young people wrote scripts based on some Year 10 Christmas Carol Staging and Set Design Dayextracts, with a focus on stage directions and dialogue.
The second half of the day became incredibly crafty as Year 10 let their creativity take hold. They looked at key characters and created costumes, using extracts and information about Victorian England. The pupils then created scale models of sets with lots of glitter, lollypop sticks and pipe cleaners!
To end the day, all of the creations were gathered and we shared what we had achieved in an exhibition in the Cyber Cafe.