Year 11 Future Planning Day
Year 11 Future Planning Day
What better way to kick off PBL for Year 11 than to start thinking about their futures? It was just great to see so many of the students arriving in smart business dress, looking very grown up! The first part of the morning was spent talking through what makes a good presentation and then they worked in pairs preparing their own presentations about their time at Logic. Walking around the different rooms, I think one of the things they enjoyed most was reminiscing about the trips and activities they have done, even in spite of Lockdown. Talking about overcoming difficulties, becoming more resilient and working hard for exams were common themes and with limits on how much text was allowed on each slide, the presentations were delivered in true style.
The second part of the day was interview practice. Students worked in groups of three to practise being interviewed and giving feedback to their peers. We looked at positive body language, formality and clarity. We find that the thing students find hardest is talking positively about themselves and actually being able to identify the skills and strengths they have. Hopefully after today, Year 11 will feel more confident doing this as they start interviewing for summer jobs and – in a couple of years – university and apprenticeships.