Seema and Russell visit Logic
On Thursday 9th March Logic played host to local MP, Seema Malhotra, and Teach First CEO, Russell Hobby. Our visitors were keen to understand more about our approach to careers education and the work we do to ensure our students move on to aspirant onward destinations.
Starting with informal discussions with students during breaktime, our visitors heard from students about how Logic had offered them a ‘second chance’ at education. Students were also keen to share their experiences of PBL weeks and the types of enrichment activities that they have been able to take part in.
Our Vice Principal and Careers lead then had time to talk to Seema about their concerns with the current apprenticeship model, outlining how often, it fails to meet the needs of the students it is designed to serve. We were also able to talk strongly about over views around the damaging impact ‘flexible working’ has, not only on supporting work experience, but also in supporting those early in their career to progress.
On a tour of the school our visitors had the opportunity to speak to a Year 10 business class and understand the research that they were undertaking with regards to local businesses. Students demonstrated excellence in communication, as well as showing their commitment to learning. One visitor left remarking that they would rather enjoy joining the class for the afternoon as they felt it was ‘such a productive atmosphere, I feel I would get loads done!’
These visits are a great time for us to showcase the everyday hard work of our staff and students and we are always grateful for these opportunities.