Roehampton University Visit Wednesday 7th March
On Wednesday 7th March 23 students from Logic Studio School and Springwest Academy visited Roehampton University for an Aim Higher day investigating Study Skills that are needed for academic success. Students actively took part in a workshop about how to be a 21st Century student and allow technology to help you not distract you from your studies. This workshop was led by Ben Roke who has over 30 years’ experience of supporting students through exams and into university. We learnt about the importance of reading questions carefully and not adding in extra “assumed facts” which our mind thinks should be there. Many students (and some staff) were surprised at many assumptions our brain makes when in a timed and pressured situation. Following this workshop, current Roehampton students gave us a tour of the university campus and explained about university life at Roehampton. The afternoon consisted of a workshop from Kingston University demonstrating how images can be used to help with revision. If you know someone who went on this trip, ask them where Marie Curie was born, and because of the images used, I bet they’d still be able to tell you! The final workshop of the day was a fascinating debating workshop led by Lucy Eckersley, a conservationist with the Royal Veterinary College. Special note should go to Claudia Szysz, Oliver Clayton, Courtney Vizard and Angelo Kyle-Smith who took part in a passionate debate about the fate of forests in Malaysia, on stage in front of approximately 100 students. They all did Tudor Park proud!