Ofsted Report 2024
I am delighted to be able to share with you the outcome of our Section 8 Ofsted Inspection from November 2024. Though it is obviously impossible to capture all the we do here over the course of just two days of inspection and two sides of A4, our core clearly shines through.
We have been informed that “Logic Studio School has taken effective action to maintain the standards identified at the previous inspection”, which is that the effectiveness of our leadership and management and our personal development, behaviour and welfare are Outstanding and that all other areas of the school remain Good.
The first paragraph perfectly captures what it is like to be a student here:
“The school provides a professional, calm and caring learning environment. Pupils in Years 10 and 11, and students in the sixth form, focus on their studies and develop positive and respectful relationships with each other and with staff. The school has high expectations that pupils develop the character, skills and knowledge to be successful in a range of academic and work environments. Pupils are very well prepared for their next steps in education and employment.”
Some of what makes us different as a provider is coaching programme. Personal Coaches form meaningful relationships with students over time and are able to support personal development in ways few schools can match. It was noted during inspection that:
“The school’s coaching programme ensures that pupils have regular personalised support with all aspects of their school life, including their learning and their well-being.”
As a Studio School we pride ourselves on the relationships we have with our employers and the impact this makes on our students destinations. They have access to opportunities that provide them with the skills and experience they need to secure aspirational careers.
“Pupils benefit from a wide range of opportunities to broaden their outlook and gain insight into the world of work, including events with representatives from different occupations and professions, internships, educational excursions and residential trips. Through the school’s employer engagement pathways, pupils see the relevance of their studies to a range of sectors. They gain industry-specific experiences and qualifications, including in cybersecurity and games design.”
More than anything, we are just delighted to have the work that goes on here day in, day out, validated by an external source. I have always been adamant about everything that we do here that it is not to satisfy the inspectorate, it is to provide our students with the best possible chance of success in like. From academic excellence to personal development and broadening horizons we stand by our ethos of Looking Forward, Looking Outward, Taking Action.
Listen to the Principal discuss this report
Out latest Ofsted report
You can also view this report on the Ofsted website here.