Logic EE Pathways
Our Computing Professionals Pathway have jumped into their new course, which combines study towards Comptia 1001 and 1002 alongside practical opportunities within the classroom. Students are currently studying hardware and external ports specifications and our aim is for them to learn about the theory and achieve the industry focussed qualifications; while being able to put this theory into practice through workshops, practical opportunities and work experience. Ultimately, we want to be producing the next generation of networking professionals!
The students in the EPQ Pathway have been learning effective time management, how to develop their research topics and how to start researching and referencing. The students have learned about primary research, secondary research and research ethics. They have started to find research relevant to their chosen topics and begun critically evaluating their sources. This week we have set up an in class library for them to pull books from and start reading and taking notes. These students will be completing their own EPQ question later this year.
In our Games Design Pathway, our aim is for students to design and produce their own games which they can make available for sale on the app store.
Students are currently working on designing ‘real’ board games, allowing them to explore ideas and concepts to take to the digital platforms later this year. The next few weeks will also see external guests come into Logic who are going to be supporting students with their plans.
The Business Entrepreneurship and Leadership Pathway have been focussing on two different aspects. Firstly, students are undertaking the award winning Ivy House Leadership programme, which is focused on developing the industry leaders of the future. Students are also in the process of setting up their own businesses, which they will be running over the next few months. Currently they are looking at viable ideas, market research, branding and finance. More to follow!!
Health and Social Care Pathway students are currently learning from the professionals! Over this half term, we are inviting guests from various careers in the industry to deliver sessions, focussing on their jobs and career pathways, and also allowing students to ask questions about the day to day aspects of their role. The aim is to give students a real insight into these roles and includes visits from an NHS Midwife, a social worker, physiotherapist, school SENCO and the owner of a local nursery chain.
Our Accountancy Professional Pathway is all about the numbers! These students are studying additional accountancy specific BTEC units, that focus on the knowledge and skills required to transition into the industry. These students also work closely with the Career Ready programme, which provides mentors, masterclasses and paid summer internships with major companies including BP, Citibank, Moody’s and Diageo.
For more information about the Employer Engagement opportunities we offer our 6th form students, check out our EE prospectus here http://Logic_EE pathways_A4_DP_2020 (3).pdf