Logic open day
What a great day to be part of, giving a flavour of how it will be to join our very new Sixth Form. A Sixth Form of the future, quality assured and individualised to maximise your success.
The day started with Yr 11 students all being given the opportunity to have a one to one mock interview with someone from a business background. Thank you to all of our business partners for making this such a worthwhile experience. The feedback was very positive from both the interviewers and interviewees. This will be the first of many such opportunities that you will receive at TPET Sixth Form.
Mr Pett spoke about the importance of making the right choice – emphasising that it is ‘your’ future, no one else’s and you should not just follow the crowd. He introduced students to the TPET Sixth Form provision and how working in a small partnership of schools the TPET can offer can be broad but still ensure high quality teaching and support.
Students then had the opportunity to attend a taster session in an area of study that they may be interested in following. In all the sessions students were fully engaged, challenged and very positive. They were all too brief and the time flew by.
There will be other planned taster sessions early in the New Year when the new Sixth Form area is complete and open for business.
Thank you to parents and students who attended the two talks at 3.00 and 6.00. We hope this gave you an opportunity to hear what we have planned and to be assured of the quality of teaching and support your son or daughter will receive at Tudor Park. It is a brave new world of Sixth Form education for success but we are ready for it; trust us to bring about the best outcomes and prove their potential.
Applications can be completed electronically on both Springwest and Logic Studio School websites. If you need a paper copy please let us know or you have any queries– email a.pett@springwestacademy.org or j.lockwood@logicstudioschool.org or v.eadie@tudorparkeducation.org .
Get filling in the application forms and interviews will soon follow.
We look forward to sitting down with you to work out exactly which pathway or mix and match of courses work for you.