It has been a busy half term at Logic school and with Christmas fast approaching, it's a good time to reflect on the term so far and the plans for our final week before the holidays.
Firstly, we want to say a massive well done to our staff and students who have shown great resilience and commitment to learning over the last 6 weeks. Despite the obvious difficulties that the current pandemic presents, our students' attitude to learning has been fantastic and we continue to have attendance figures well above 90% across all year groups. Our staff have also been amazing, with extra support for each other throughout the ever changing times.
This week has been a great week at Logic, mainly due to the fantastic support of our students associated with Hounslow Promise. Students have given up free lessons and their time after school to wrap Christmas presents that are to be delivered to schools across Hounslow for vulnerable children, These presents have been donated by businesses and organisations across Hounslow and our current total stands at 565 wrapped presents, with more to come!! We look forward to welcoming local MP Seema Malhorta on Thursday for an update!
Year 11 and Year 13 have completed Mock Examinations over the last two weeks and despite the disruption of the last 6 months, we are really pleased with the progress they have made and the results they have achieved so far. Year 13 have also been finalising UCAS applications in the last few days, while others are exploring opportunities for Apprenticeships and Degree Apprenticeships, supported by external companies in the local area.
A number of students in Years 12 and 13 have been undertaking a variety of work placements, mainly virtually which has been a new experience for most of them. The pandemic has presented a number of challenges but the move towards online learning and communication has been advantageous for many of our students, allowing them to undertake opportunities that were previously unavailable.
Year 12 Employer Engagement has been really positive this half term, supported by a number of external partners and employers. We have had visits to our Health and Social lessons by a midwife, social worker and the owner of a local nursery chain; our Accountancy pathway has been working with employers from Career Ready; our Computing pathway has been exploring career opportunities with Joskos; games design students have been designing and making their own board games; and our Entrepreneurs have been talking with small business owners about their own ideas - thanks in particular to Pret-a-Party for their support with that!
The next week continues to be busy and we are looking forward to a very positive end to the term for our students. Next week is PBL Week where students are off timetable to participate in a number of projects including: Games Design day; Surf Magazine development; a STEM day; Fibonacci sequencing; Y10 Work Experience launch; and a Year 12 Fun Day!
It is also a week where we stop and support those who are less fortunate than ourselves. As well as the 'Christmas present wrapping', we are also supporting Save the Children and the Feltham Food Bank again this year. Wednesday sees our Christmas Jumper day, where students will donate money in return for wearing their festive jumpers for Save the Children; and Thursday sees our end of term MUFTI day, with donations of food from staff and students which will be taken to Feltham Food bank in the New Year.
As a busy term comes to an end, we can look forward to the New Year with exams, parent evenings, trips and activity days again on the horizon!
John Cadogan
Vice Principal
Logic Studio School
Latest News at Logic – December 2020