
Career Ready at Logic


Logic Studio School is an affiliate of Career Ready and all students who follow the Accounting and Finance Employment Engagement pathway are registered with Career Ready. Career Ready is an amazing opportunity, putting our students directly in touch with employers from all areas of work. Career Ready gives our students the skills they need to get the career they want.

The programme has been running over a decade, and over 4,000 volunteers from hundreds of firms support the programme and our students. Career Ready have people from every kind of organisation – from the NHS to multinationals, including a quarter of the FTSE 100 companies.

Four elements make up the Career Ready programme: masterclasses, mentoring, workplace visits and experiences of work. None of these are stand alone and our students take part in all of them.


Over the duration of the programme, our students have taken part in a number of masterclasses that were delivered by employer volunteers, who have stepped up and wanted to share their experiences with our students.  Our students have engaged in masterclasses in personal branding, effective networking and communication, interview skills and preparation for work. This has resulted in more confident students who are now ‘career ready’.

Workplace visits

One of the main benefits of Career Ready is that it has given our students access to work places that they may not have the opportunity to go visit without the programme.  Students have visited various employers, including BP, BSI, QuantumBlack, etc., who have given them the chance to find out what it is like to work in these firms and they gained an opportunity to speak to people who worked there, all the time expanding your own network of contacts who can help you navigate your career choices.


A mentor is a student’s guide, sounding board and critical friend. Mentoring is the part of the programme that our students say transforms their thinking about careers and work more than anything else. Mentoring is a two-way street – the mentor isn’t there to tell them what to do but to help them to understand their options, work through how to make decisions and support them in fulfilling their potential.

Our students have been partnered with mentors from BP, BSI, QuantumBlack, Ebay, Citi, Santandar, etc., who are committed to supporting them and who have given them an insight into the professional world of work. Students have met and communicated with their mentors regularly over a year who have helped them: to formulate a career plan; to identify the skills and qualities that they need to develop in order to increase their employment/higher education chances; developed their confidence in the workplace and strategies to make the best first impression to an employer; and built their own professional network.


Our students got the opportunity to experience the world of work for four to six weeks at companies in a huge range of industries. These placements were paid in most cases and very competitive as students had to apply for these and were then invited to interviews for the jobs. Our students were successful in securing placements at Citi, BP, QuantumBlack, BSI, Moody’s Corporation, Gaia Technologies, etc. They got an opportunity to put the skills they have learned into practice and found out what work’s really all about.



Jimmy Sanders receiving his Certificate for completing a successful 6-week internship at BP, Sunbury.