Why wouldn’t you choose Logic?
Our vision and ethos
Our ethos for our students is simple – “Looking forwards, Looking outwards and taking action”.
Logic Studio School links the education that students receive with the careers available in the local economy and beyond. We want to harvest genuine knowledge, understanding and wisdom and acknowledge that a diet limited to exam-based content is not healthy for our pupils. We understand how changes in technology will transform the nature of employment and are passionate about developing digital skills in our community. Jobs of the future will require far more creativity, imagination, problem-solving, teamwork, empathy, entrepreneurship and similar skills that can and must all be taught now. We focus on outstanding progression routes into university, employment or further training, with a rigorous but industry relevant curriculum, connections with our employer partners and a small school approach.
When students leave Logic they will have the skills needed for the modern economy and tomorrow’s job market:
- All the basic skills that employers say students are lacking – digital literacy, being able to write well and able to apply maths to real life.
- The character skills of confidence and resilience – able to learn from mistakes in preparation to succeed.
- Communication skills – to listen to what’s happening around, make themselves heard, understood and respected.
We call this the Logic Attitude and it is ingrained in everything we do.
Quality of education
At Logic our aim is to provide an education for all of our students, some of whom have made poor progress in the first three years of secondary schooling, that enables them to achieve high quality outcomes and aspirational destinations upon leaving us.
- Our curriculum is ambitious for all pupils, quickly identifying pre-existing gaps in knowledge, skills and understanding
- Our curriculum is successfully adapted, designed and developed for individual pupil need as a result of these gaps. There is a programme of tailored and intensive individual support including for those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
- Our curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced to allow students to make rapid progress from their differing starting points, with a particular focus on their literacy.
- Our curriculum is industry relevant, academically rigorous and technically minded.
- Our curriculum develops cultural capital outside of the classroom through Employer engagement and PBL and makes explicit links to what is being learnt inside the classroom.