Local Governing Body

Logic Studio School sits in Tudor Park Education Trust – a small family of schools working together to create opportunities and build strong foundations for the success of all our students.

Tudor Park Education Trust has 5 Members and a Board of 9 Directors who set the vision and ethos for all the schools in the Trust and ensure the overarching success of the whole family of schools. The Chair of Directors is Charlotte Warner- c.warner@tudorparkedcuation.org


There is a Trust Scheme of Delegation that sets out the accountabilities and responsibilities of Directors, the CEO, Governors and Principals.

Scheme of delegation updated 2018


Together we form the Local Governing Body At Logic.  We audit our skills as governors to ensure that we have the right mix of people and talent to best support the success of the school. We all undertake safeguarding training every year and three of us are trained in safer recruitment.  We have a Clerk, Rebecca Wilson, who takes our minutes and advises us of our legal responsibilities.

Below is a table of our Governors, their business and pecuniary interests which are updated live and attendance at meetings 2022-23.

Type of Governor Process of appointment Name Date appointed End Additional role Employer Other Declared Interests Meetings (2022-23) Number attended
Co-opted Appointed by the Board of Directors John Ananga 07-Jul-20 06-Jul-24 4 4
Co-opted Appointed by the Board of Directors Cormac Bourne 14-Oct-20 13-Oct-24 Chair HEP Partnership Director Governor: Crane Park Primary Director: HEP 4 4
Co-opted Appointed by the Board of Directors Simon Cooper 24-Mar-21 23-Mar-25 Ascential PLC Trustee: The Great Initiative (Charity No: 1138151) 4 4
Co-opted Appointed by the Board of Directors Charlotte Harmer 02-Dec-22 01-Dec-26 Oppidan Education, Head of Schools 2 2
Co-opted Appointed by the Board of Directors Richard Jones 09-Oct-22 08-Oct-26 Vice Chair Bryanston School (Headteacher) 4 3
Parent Elected by parents Shabana Malik 18-Jul-22 17-Jul-26 4 2
Parent Elected by parents Ben Smith 18-Jul-22 17-Jul-26 The Cedars Primary School 4 4
Staff Elected by staff Callum Walker 17-Nov-23 16-Nov-27 Tudor Park Education Trust N/A N/A
Principal Ex-officio Alex Pett 01-Aug-21 N/A Tudor Park Education Trust 4 4
Resigned in the last 12 months
Staff Elected by staff Madeleine Thompson 08-Sep-23 31-Oct-23 Tudor Park Education Trust N/A N/A
Staff Elected by staff Lottie Chettle 01-Sep-19 31-Aug-23 Tudor Park Education Trust 4 4

Local Governing Body

  • Every student understands they have the right to feel safe, respected, and learn free from the disruption of others
  • Every student is valued and have their achievements recognised and rewarded by all staff, volunteers and other onsite providers
  • Every student is helped to take responsibility for their actions
  • Families are involved in behaviour incidents to foster good relationships between Logic and students’ home life
  • All students, staff and visitors are free from any form of discrimination and positively promote inclusion and equality
  • Staff, volunteers and other onsite providers set an excellent example to students at all times
  • Sanctions and reasonable force are used consistently by staff, in line with the behaviour policy
  • The behaviour policy is understood by students and staff
  • The exclusions policy explains that exclusions will only be used as a last resort, and outlines the processes involved in permanent and fixed-term exclusions

The Academy Committee also emphasises that violence or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated in any circumstances.

This written statement of behaviour principles is reviewed and approved by the Academy Committee annually

Our governors

Click on the sections below to read more about our governors.

Since its launch in September 2018, I have been the Partnership Director for the Hounslow Education Partnership (HEP) – a school-led school improvement partnership supporting schools to deliver the best possible educational experiences and outcomes for all the children and young people of Hounslow. Driving our collective responsibility and ambition for their achievements.
With over 25 years experience working in media including the launching Haymarket Media Group’s content marketing agency – Haymarket Network – I am a senior executive focused on building long-term successful partnerships having worked with blue chip clients including Volkswagen Group, IAAF, The FA, CIPD, UEFA and London 2012.  I bring a solid background in strategic planning, financial management, project analysis and business assessment as well as being passionate about education and supporting the success of young people of all ages. I am currently the Chair of Governors at Logic Studio School and a governor at Crane Park Primary in Feltham.

Alex began teaching in Feltham in 2009, originally working at Feltham Community College. He has been a part of Logic since its inception and has taught computer science GCSE and maths A-level at the school. Alex was appointed Principal in September 2021.

Alex is deeply committed to providing education to the community that is at the cutting edge, to ensure students are ready to take on the increasingly complex world around us.

Active across the Hounslow area, Alex has been a governor at Crane Park Primary School, supported in teacher training at Lampton SCITT and undertaken peer review and support visits to schools across the borough.

Callum joined Logic Studio School in September 2021 after a number of years teaching in China. He is Head of Social Sciences at Logic and has overseen the introduction of both Sociology and Psychology A-Level to the school. Callum is also the Health and Safety Officer for the Hounslow branch of the National Education Union.

Richard graduated from Nottingham University with a BA in Industrial Economics, before working in Energy Procurement. After three years, he retrained to become a teacher, spending 18 months at an 11-16 Business and Enterprise college in Basingstoke. Following that, he spent 6 years at an independent school in Surrey, four of those as a boys day Housemaster.

John works for Gaia Technologies as the IT Manager for Tudor Park Education Trust.  Gaia is an IT Managed Service provider and has been providing IT support to Springwest Academy for over 9 years; Gaia is a main sponsor and founder partner of Logic.  He has over 15 years experience in delivering IT solutions within education and has built strong partnerships across education.  John works closely with teachers and students during work placements and as a governor at Logic is well placed to influence and develop future generations of engineers.

Simon is a chartered accountant with 15 years of experience within the financial sector, particularly within investment banking. After a BA in Economics and MA in Corporate Strategy & Governance from Nottingham University, Simon worked at Ernst & Young where he qualified as member of the ICAS (Institute of Chartered Accountants in Scotland). Thereafter, he has worked in various roles within investment banking and is currently M&A Director of Ascential plc, a FTSE 250 business to business media company where he is responsible for all acquisitions, disposals and partnerships within the organisation.

Alongside his career Simon is a Trustee of GREAT Initiative, a gender equality charity based in London. Founded in 2010, it works with both men and women to tackle the root causes of inequality. He is a keen cyclist and squash player.

Charlotte graduated with MA(Hons) in Modern Foreign Languages from the University of Edinburgh and subsequently qualified as a secondary teacher of French and Spanish with TeachFirst. She has taught for ten years across UK state and independent schools, completing a Masters in Education with the University of Nottingham, focusing on championing learner confidence. Charlotte is currently Head of Schools at Oppidan Education, a pioneering mentoring organisation working with families and schools across the UK and internationally to support students with social and emotional wellbeing alongside strengthening academic outcomes.

Ben moved to the UK from Australia in 2004 shortly after receiving a Bachelors degree in Education. He has a passion and interest in supporting children with SEN and continues to do this as an Assistant Head in a specialist setting within Hounslow. Outside of education, Ben has a keen interest in sport, specifically Golf and Ultra running.

I feel that it is important to give something back therefore I came to the decision of becoming a parent governor. I feel it is very important for all students to have their say in what they feel, how they are being treated at school, and how much are they being listened to when being vocal. I have always had a close relationship with my children’s schools and being involved in all their academic activities.
I am also a Foster carer as I believe giving that extra support to a child weather it be academically or emotionally is very important to me.

How governance works in our Trust

Each part of the governance structure is committed to the success of the family of schools in our Trust and wider partnerships.

Professional management and leadership of the schools is delivered by the education professionals employed by the Trust.

Governance by all bodies in our Trust is about:

  • Setting and carefully reviewing the strategic direction
  • Ensuring that public money is spent wisely to give value for money and best outcomes for our children and young people
  • Determining and upholding the ethos and values of the Trust
  • Holding our educational professional to account for the standards, impact and performance of our schools
  • Supporting and encouraging the work of the schools and school leaders
  • Acting as ambassadors for the individual school and the Trust as whole

All parts of our governance are highly valued as together our work creates success at each level for our schools. The Board and Local Governing Bodies work collaboratively in partnership at all times. The Board will make decisions, following consultation with Local Governing Bodies, on matters which affect all academies in the Trust. The Local Governing Body will make decisions on matters which affect their individual academies. Local Governing Bodies and their Principals in the Trust should be as autonomous as possible and have as much freedom as possible in order to achieve excellence for their school.

There does have to be a primacy of decision making in any successfully run enterprise and a school, or family of schools, is no different. Therefore there exists the need for a Scheme of Delegation. Our accountability framework is strong and goes in more than one direction. The Board must take action, including the withdrawal or partial withdrawal of delegated authorities should any individual, group or Local Governing Body, fail to carry out their duties and responsibilities effectively.


Governors have a term of office for four years. The full governing body at our school meets 6 times a year.   The evening meetings start at 8am and usually last for around 2 hours. These morning meetings allow governors to meet staff and students and see the school at work.

The main focus of the Governing Body meetings are to ensure the school is delivering on its development plan and is reflective and critical of its operation. The function of the Governing Body is to support the Principal in leading a great school with successful outcomes for all of our students and staff. They work with the Chief Executive Officer of the Trust to report back to the Board of Directors on how the school is doing. Governors need to play the role of a ‘critical friend’, challenging robustly where necessary, but always remembering that the Principal is responsible for the day to day running of the school.

Key responsibilities of Governors:

The Local Governing Body  holds the Principal and Senior Leaders of the academy to account. They work most closely with the professional leaders in their schools on behalf of: children, young people, parents and the community. Their primary concern is that their children or young people have a great experience at school and are well safeguarded. They ensure that progress is strong and targets are monitored, achieved and reported on to the Board. They represent the interests of pupils and parents to the Board and in turn hold the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the Board to account for ensuring standards of learning and welfare are kept high.

The Three Ps

  • Recommend targets for achievement and the school development plan
  • Review progress regularly – ensuring progress gaps are closed or closing
  • Review curriculum
  • Review teaching for learning strategies
  • Monitor ongoing professional development of staff
  • Ensure performance management of staff is carried out and robust
  • Ensure SMSC offer is strong
  • Report to the Board
  • Monitor and review all safeguarding procedures – student welfare is of highest priority
  • Monitor the school site for safety and accessibility
  • Monitor the progress of Looked after Children, children with SEND and those on CP plan
  • Review all arrangements for ensuring health and wellbeing of the school community
  • Monitor attendance, punctuality and exclusions targets and report
  • Review transition arrangements and CEIAG
  • Monitor safer recruitment practices
  • Listen and respond to feedback from stakeholders
  • Consult with the Board in agreeing a funding model and review compliance at school level
  • Consult with the Finance Director in respect of the budget requirements of the school
  • Consult with the Board on the determination and allocation of central services
  • Recommend two governors to sit on the appointment panel for a new Principal
  • Appoint school staff as recommended by Principal / Head
  • Recommend new governors and LGB chair and vice-chair
  • Review the training requirements of governors and work with wider partnership networks on sharing best practice
  • Ensure the school and trust are represented in a strong network of wider partnerships to the benefit of the Trust and its wider educational community
  • Work with the Clerk of the Trust and the Directors to ensure that reporting and lines of accountability are clear
  • Proactively manage the reputation of the school within the community