Financial Information
This page outlines statutory funding information. We outline how our Pupil Premium grant is spent, as well as detailing how Coronavirus catch-up funding and 16-19 tuition funding is used at the school.
Our accounts are managed by Tudor Park Education Trust. Further information on this can be found here. This includes information regarding staff with a gross annual salary in excess on £100k.
We do not have any paid facility days for Trade Union Reps.
Pupil Premium funding
The Pupil Premium Grant is additional funding provided by the Government to support the education of the most socio-economically disadvantaged students in Years 10 & 11. The funding is specifically targeted to those eligible for free school meals in the least 6 years. Looked after children attract additional funding which is managed by the Virtual School in Hounslow and has to be applied for by the school on a proof of need basis.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) catch-up premium and 16-19 Tuition Funding
Logic has applied for funding from the government to support students return to education. This funding has been used for 1-2-1 tuition programmes alongside increasing our coaching service and access to counselling services. Further details of how this money is being spent along with the impact it is having can be seen below.
Academic Year 2021-22
16-19 Tuition Fund (£18,544)
Logic has applied to receive tuition funding to support students in Year 12 and 13 during the academic year 2021-22.
How this funding will be used
Funding will be used to provide a mixture of 1-2-1 and small group tuition for students across both Year 12 and Year 13. Small groups will be used where up to 3 students have been identified has having the same need and where we see benefit from students being able to work with one another. Tuition will include supporting students to improve their reading, comprehension, writing and synthesis skills, both for English and other subjects of study. Functional numeracy will be delivered to those students that have not yet achieved a pass grade in mathematics.
This tuition is in addition to their chosen programme of study.
The use of Centre Assessed grades in the 2021 summer exam series has led to a wider range of abilities being awarded a passing grade in both English and Maths. It is our aim to ensure all students are brought up to the expected standard in order for them to access our Level 3 qualifications and for students to feel confident in operating in modern society.
How eligible students have been selected for support
Alongside examination results from the summer 2021 exam series we are using CAT4 tests to screen cognitive ability. In addition, staff hold assessments during the fourth week of term to help assess access issues that students may experience in their subject. Students identified as not meeting the expected standard have a reading screening. This data, along with information collated by our SEND lead will be used to identify those students that will benefit from additional support.
School Led Tutoring (£4455) and Recovery Premium (£6000)
How it is intended that the grant will be spent
Logic will be making use of the National Tutoring programme to support students in Year 11 with 1-2-1 tuition in English, Maths and Chemistry. Students that have been identified as underachieving in these subject areas. We have selected Third Space Learning to provide maths tuition and The Learning Centre to provide English and Chemistry tuition.
In addition to these specific programmes we have subsidised our subscription to Tassomai, a revision platform, for the benefit of all students.
Finally we have increased our access to a dedicated onsite counselor and expanded our coaching programme to ensure that students are given access to early support, where needed. Our coaching programme is proactive, allowing staff to engage with all students regardless of perceived need.
How the effect of this expenditure on the educational attainment of those pupils at the school will be assessed
All online tuition is subject to feedback following each session to refine the delivery of this tuition. The progress of students involved in these programmes will be checked at identified assessment points in the year.
Our coaching is tracked and monitored on a weekly basis to ensure it is having a positive impact and supporting identified students.
Coronavirus Catch-Up Funding (£6,900)
How it is intended that the grant will be spent
It is intended that this funding will be used to reduce the teacher student ratio in both maths and English by increasing our staffing resource for these subjects. Additionally funding will support the provision of the online revision resource Tassomai, for the benefit of all students.
As students have missed a substantial number of educational experiences funding will be used to subsidise an outward bounds residential. This will combine both intense taught elements alongside activities that allow the students to develop skills such as communication, teamwork and leadership.
In school, additional resources will be put into our coaching and counselling provision to support in the early identification and management of problems faced by students outside the classroom as a result of the pandemic.
How the effect of this expenditure on the educational attainment of those pupils at the school will be assessed
Impact of this spending will be measured primarily through the final CAG grades students receive compared to teacher assessed starting points on return to ‘normal’ education. Attendance statistics as well as destination data will indicate the engagement students have seen in successful education.
Academic Year 2020-21
16-19 Tuition Fund (£9315)
Following the disruption to schools last year, we had more than 90 students taking at least 1 retake subject across Years 12 and 13. The 14-19 tuition fund has enabled us to increase capacity in our sixth form team and work with small groups of students to support them in English and maths, alongside more regular academic coaching. We have prioritised students who have not achieved a grade 4 in one or both core subjects and subsequently had a good pass rate in November.
Coronavirus Catch-Up Funding (£7,040)
How it is intended that the grant will be spent
It is intended that this funding will be used to reduce the teacher student ratio in both maths and English by increasing our staffing resource for these subjects. Additionally funding will support the provision of the online revision resource Tassomai, for the benefit of all students.
As students have missed a substantial number of educational experiences funding will be used to subsidise an outward bounds residential. This will combine both intense taught elements alongside activities that allow the students to develop skills such as communication, teamwork and leadership.
In school, additional resources will be put into our coaching and counselling provision to support in the early identification and management of problems faced by students outside the classroom as a result of the pandemic.
How the effect of this expenditure on the educational attainment of those pupils at the school will be assessed
Impact of this spending will be measured primarily through the final CAG grades students receive compared to teacher assessed starting points on return to ‘normal’ education. Attendance statistics as well as destination data will indicate the engagement students have seen in successful education.