Logic Studio School Recast
This September Logic has grown to double the number of students. New Year 10 and 12s have joined the school, which places a lot of pressure on the teachers who are having to take care of twice the number of students, so what have we been up to? Our first day back was dedicated to team building challenges, this helped the students build their confidence and also helped welcome the new students and made sure they got to know other students.
Year 10 and Year 12 are the newest additions to the school, and I was wondering how have they settled in then? We held interviews with the Year 10s and found that many of them, such as Kyle, Jacob and Olivia found that “Logic treats us like we are grown ups”, and they believe the “hours are very hard as a child, but it helps us get ready for the business world/environment.” Oliva also says “the teachers are very welcoming, because there are not many students I can build a personal relationship with the teachers which also helps me progress academically and socially.”
by Rahil Walia (Year 11 student)