Ofsted Outcome
Welcome back to Logic for 2025. It has been great to catch up with everyone after the Christmas break. Everyone seems well rested and has swung back into the Logic routine very quickly.
I am delighted to be able to officially share our Ofsted report with you now. Summing a school up in just 2 pages means a lot of the detail can easily be lost. However, reading this through it really sounds like us.
“The school provides a professional, calm and caring learning environment. Pupils in Years 10 and 11, and students in the sixth form, focus on their studies and develop positive and respectful relationships with each other and with staff. The school has high expectations that pupils develop the character, skills and knowledge to be successful in a range of academic and work environments. Pupils are very well prepared for their next steps in education and employment.”
A huge thank you to all of the staff, students and parents that have worked with us so closely to help us be as successful as we are. You can access the full report here and I have forgone my usual video message of this email to focus on the Ofsted report instead.
We have key events coming up for Year 11 and Year 13 in the next few weeks, further details of which can be found below.
My big message for this term really is attendance. It is all over the national press, and rightly so, as all schools seem to be afflicted in a similar way. Students are in school less now than at any point previously in the last 40 years. We are hugely grateful for all you do as parents to counter this and want you to know that we are here to support every step of the way. As a good rule of thumb, for a child to miss school through illness the have to be ill enough to not even contemplate going near their phone. Anything less than this then please send them in! It is no understatement to say that in every year group, every minute matters. For us to provide the best education we can, we need your child in school.
Alex Pett