Year 11 Parents’ Evening – Thursday January 23rd 2025
Dear Parent / Carer of
RE: Year 11 Parents’ Evening – Thursday January 23rd 2025
Firstly I would like to thank you for your support during the Autumn term, in what was a really positive start to the year for our Year 11 students.
Our Year 11 Subject Teacher Parents Evening will take place on Thursday January 23rd from 4.15pm – 7.15pm. It is expected that all students and their parents attend this evening.
Having completed a series of high stakes assessments in December, we look forward to discussing the progress your child is making and discuss how we can work together to support them as they prepare for their GCSE exams in the Summer.
We will also be giving you information about the ‘Logic Diet’ of revision and exam preparation, as well as information about revision clubs, mock examinations in February / March and much more.
On the evening, we will be running three separate time slots as indicated below.
- 4:15-5.15pm
- 5:15-6.15pm
- 6:15-7pm.
Your child has initially been booked into: (see personalised letter given to child)
We really value these opportunities to meet with you as we know that working together makes a huge difference in supporting your student’s progress. Please ensure you arrive at the start of your time window in order to give you time to meet all the relevant teachers.
Yours faithfully,
Alex Pett