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Re: Year 11 Supporting Success Evening

Dear Parent / Carer,


Re: Year 11 Supporting Success Evening 


Firstly, I want to thank you for the positive way in which students have started at Logic this year. It has been great to have students returning for lessons and Year 11 have had a great start to the term. 


This first meeting of the year will take place on Thursday October 3rd 2024 from 5.45pm to 6.15pm. 

This is an opportunity for parents of our Year 11 students to meet with and hear from the KS4 team about how Year 11 works for our students and what you can do to support your child with their studies this year, as they prepare for GCSE and BTEC exams. 


Please arrive from 5.30pm and you will be directed to the Cyber Cafe for the presentation. Students are also welcome to attend with parents and carers. 


We really value these opportunities to talk with you, as we know that working together makes a huge difference in supporting student progress. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday October 3rd. 


If you have any queries or questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us. 


Yours faithfully


Alex Pett
