
Year 12 Careers Speed Networking

On Wednesday September 18th, our Year 12 students took part in a Careers Speed Networking Event as part of their Futures Induction programme. Over 20 visitors from a range of local and national businesses and universities, as well as Logic alumni attended the school to support the event. We also hosted a guest Careers Advisor from Japan who has been looking at careers provision in London this month.

Students had the opportunity to hear from each of the guests for approximately 5 minutes at a time, with our visitors sharing information about their company, their role, their career pathway and answering student questions. This was a great opportunity for our students to hear from a variety of people at different stages of their careers and get an understanding of the different opportunities available to them in the future.
Following on from this, students will undertake taster sessions, attend a careers fair, apply for a pathway through the completion of a CV, before completing mock and then final interviews for their pathway. We want our students to make informed decisions, as well as learning about the application process they will face in the future; and this programme is a key part of the experience they will gain in Logic’s 6th Form.