

Year 10 Mock Exams and End of Year Plans

Dear Parent / Carer, 


Re: Year 10 Mock Exams and End of Year Plans


Please find below the timetable for the Year 10 Mock Exams which take place from Monday 24th – Friday 28th June 2024. 

The aim of these mock exams is to help students gain an understanding of what they will face in next year’s GCSE exams and allow teachers and students to assess where they are in terms of progress at this stage. 

 A few key points to note:

  • Students should attend school as normal for a 9am start in full uniform.
  • Students will have a revision session in their form room during Period 1.
  • Exams will start at 10am in different venues each day and will take place during Periods 2&3. 
  • Students will return to lessons from Period 4 onwards. The exception to this is the Business exam which takes place on Monday Periods 6&7. 

Overleaf, we have identified the Key Dates for Year 10 students in the lead up to the end of the academic year. There are significant changes as a result of exams, work experience, the Wales residential, exam reviews and our Meet your Form Tutor Day.  

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support since September and look forward to having a successful and positive end to the year. 

Yours Sincerely

Rhiannon Llewellyn-Omirin

ACO Year 10 and 11


Year 10 End of Term Plans Summer 2024


Week Day Activity
WB 24th June. Mock Exam Week

Students should arrive as normal for a 9am start. Daily exams are as below: 

Monday P1-3 English and P6&7 Business then normal lessons.
Tuesday P1 -3 Option M – Geography or Spanish or Computer Science then normal lessons.
Wednesday P1-3 History then normal lessons
Thursday P1-3 Maths then normal lessons
Friday P1-3 Option L – Physics or Computer Science then normal lessons.

P4&5 – Catch up slot for students who missed exams plus Work Experience Final Preparation.

Monday 1st July to Friday 5th July Work Experience Week. 


Those students without a Work Experience placement will attend lessons as normal during this week. 

WB 8th July Monday Exam Review Day 1 (incl Work Experience review in Prep)
Tuesday Exam Review Day 2 (incl Work Experience review in Prep)
Wednesday English Speaking and Listening Planning for assessment. 
Thursday P1-3: English Speaking and Listening Assessment 

P4&5: Business Events preparation with Events taking place at Lunchtime. 

P6&7: Tidy up and Review of Events. 

Friday Meet your Form Tutor Day – Appointments for students / parents
WB 15th July Monday Year 10 Residential to South Wales 

(further details to follow for those signed up)

Normal lessons for those students not attending trip to Wales. 

Thursday Normal Lessons
Friday Last Day Assembly and Fun! Students finish at 11.30am.