

Year 12 Personal Development Days – Week 5

Dear Parent/Carer,

Personal Development Days – Week 5

May 20th to 24th 2024

As you may be aware, at Logic Studio School our students participate in Personal Development Days at the end of each half term. The aim of these days is twofold: firstly to give our students the opportunity to use and develop the academic knowledge and skills they learn in the classroom in a practical environment; and secondly to undertake new activities and projects that challenge and inspire them to improve their employment skills, aspirations and career planning. 

The aim of this letter is to provide a general overview and reminder about these days, with more specific year group and activity information contained overleaf.  

During Personal Development Days, we will often have changes to the timetable, including start and finish times and these are indicated where appropriate. For some students in Years 12 and 13, this may mean a slightly longer day than normal due to the nature of the activities.

Some of our activities may require movement offsite and where this is the case, this is also indicated.

If you have any concerns regarding your child’s involvement in these activities, please contact us at Logic as soon as possible and speak to myself or your child’s Achievement Coordinator. 

Yours sincerely,



John Cadogan

Vice Principal

Logic Studio School 


Year 12 Activities for Personal Development Days

May 20th – 24th 2024


Day Activity Details
Monday May 20th  Normal Day  Start at 9am and Finish at 4pm.
Tuesday May 21st Normal Day (plus option of trip to Thorpe Park).  Start at 9am and Finish at 4pm.

Details for Thorpe Park in a separate letter from the events group running the trip. 

Wednesday May 22nd  VERY IMPORTANT!!

Post 18 Options and A Level Revision Launch 

(plus optional trip to Hounslow Golf in pm)

Start at 9am and Finish at 1.30pm.

Post 18 options talks and workshops (very important!) followed by a specific A Level Revision launch for those students. 

Details for Hounslow Golf in a separate letter from the events group running the trip. This will run after 1.30pm. 

Thursday May 23rd Quilter Finance Day

Core Maths and GCSE English Resit Exams start at 9am – all students must arrive for these by 8.45am. 

All students arrive at 11.30am. 

Students will be working with Quilter, an international finance business who will be supporting students in developing key skills for the workplace and their future. 

Finish at approx 4pm. 

Friday May 24th A Level Set Task plus BTEC coursework completion day A Level students will be given a set task to complete during the morning, with rooms made available at Logic. 

Identified BTEC students will be expected to attend and ensure all coursework is completed.