
What coaching is

Coaching aims to allow people to identify their own goals and then supports them to identify their own way to achieve their goals. Coaching always looks positively into the future. Coaching is not counselling or mentoring. The coachee will always leave the session with a positive action plan which they themselves have designed.

Why do we do it?

Students sometimes lack resilience and determination. By encouraging them to identify their goals and supporting them to take small steps towards achieving their goals we aim to increase their motivation for learning and help to develop their self confidence and ability to grow academically.

How coaching works at Logic

We have a coaching team of 4 coaches who meet with students at least once per half term. Students will have a dedicated coach

  • In Y10 and Y11, all students have coaching at least once per term, where their weekly effort is discussed and they will set themselves targets to improve. They may also choose to discuss non academic issues. Students may ask to see their coach more frequently.
  • At KS5, students can self refer, or they may be referred by a teacher. Students are usually seen once a week for a period of 6-7 weeks, but can request ongoing support throughout the year. Students may discuss academic or personal issues.

What the students think

  • Students spoke in glowing terms of the impact of their 1:1 coaching sessions. This programme definitely has an impact on the positive culture and excellent relationships at the academy.” External Safeguarding Review June 2023.
  • “Coaching helps me to figure out what I should be doing to improve my learning and what I would like to do in the future.” Year 10 Student June 2023
  • “Coaching has helped me gain confidence and valuable advice at times when I have needed it the most. They’ve also helped me know that there’s always someone I can go to if I ever need it.” Year 11 Student June 2023


  • There is a constant circular communication train between the coaches and the safeguarding team to ensure that all students are kept safe. 
  • There are weekly meetings where key issues can be discussed; and where we can look to add in additional support for those students who need it.