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Year 10/11 Offsite Activities Day March 22nd

Dear Parent/Carer of 

RE: Wednesday March 22nd 2023

We are looking to take advantage of a wide range of external offers on Wednesday 22nd March that will see all year groups participating in offsite activities. All students are expected to attend as normal but we will be offering a variety of different events as detailed below:

Year 10

A visit to Windsor to complete a ‘Historical Treasure Hunt’. Students will be expected to be in full uniform and will travel by minibus. Students will need to have a packed lunch and a coat in case of poor weather. We will leave school at 9am and return at approx 3pm.  


Year 11 

A visit to Roehampton University for the majority of students to look at University life and undertake activities linked to post 18 options. Students will be expected to be in full uniform and will travel by train (free). Students will need to have a packed lunch and a coat in case of poor weather. We will leave school at 9am and return at approx 3pm.  


For a small group of identified students, a visit to West Thames College to look at some of the courses they are offering for Post 16 students. Students will be expected to be in full uniform and will travel by bus. Students should arrive at school at 10am and will return at approx 3pm. Mrs Llewellyn or Mr Cadogan will speak to you directly. 

This day provides a great opportunity for our students to engage in offsite options and activities and we look forward to supporting them.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on 

Yours sincerely,

John Cadogan

Vice Principal