
Dear Parent / Carer of    Year 10 End of Year Review Meeting    This year our Year 10 End of Year Review Day will take place on Friday July […]

Year 10,    We hope you are excited about your upcoming work experience placement. Spending time in a professional working environment will provide you with a great opportunity to develop […]

Dear Parent / Carer,    Re: Year 10 Mock Exams and End of Year Plans   Please find below the timetable for the Year 10 Mock Exams which take place […]

Dear Parent/Carer, Personal Development Days – Week 5 May 20th to 24th 2024 As you may be aware, at Logic Studio School our students participate in Personal Development Days at […]

Personal Development Days – Week 5 May 20th to May 24th 2024 As you may be aware, at Logic Studio School our students participate in Personal Development Days at the […]

Logic School Year 12 Residential Trip to South Wales Dear Parent/Carer, I am writing to inform you that we are planning to take a group of  Year 12 students on […]

Dear Parent/Carer, I am writing to inform you that we are planning to take all Year 10 students on a residential camping trip to South Wales from 15th to 17th […]

Dear Parent/Carer, Personal Development Days – Week 4 March 25th – 28th 2024 As you may be aware, at Logic Studio School our students participate in Personal Development Days at […]

Dear Parent/Carer, Personal Development Days – Week 4 March 25th – 28th 2024 As you may be aware, at Logic Studio School our students participate in Personal Development Days at […]

Dear Parent/Carer, Personal Development Days – Week 4 March 25th – 28th 2024 As you may be aware, at Logic Studio School our students participate in Personal Development Days at […]