Back in the routine
It has been a really smooth transition back to school this week with students settling back well into established routines. The next couple of weeks have a lot going on for Year 11 and Year 13 as they begin their final mock examinations ahead of the summer. It has been great to see a wide range of students making use of revision sessions and spaces at the school to prepare for these.
We will be closing early on Thursday 13th March and Monday 17th March to support staff with the marking and moderation of examinations. As such all students will leave site at 1.30pm on these days. I appreciate that this is a last minute change to our calendar and thank you in advance for supporting us with this.
Last night we welcomed our Year 10 parents to our Subject Teacher evening. It was great to see the positive conversations taking place here. Next week it is the turn of our Year 12 parents as we run our Year 12 Subject Teacher evening on Thursday 6th March.
Our socials have been a little inactive of late, we will try to address this throughout the term!
Alex Pett